Install Msdtc Windows Server 2012 R2

2020. 2. 26. 03:39카테고리 없음

Windows server 2012 r2 downloadInstall msdtc windows server 2012 r2 key

Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service Failed To Start

Access to the site below and download OpenSSH. Generally on Windows 2012R2, choose to download.⇒ ZIP file and move the extracted folder to any location you like.


This example shows to put into C:Program Files like follows.3Open System Properties and click Environment Variables button.4Select Path in System variables section and click Edit. button.5Add OpenSSH folder PATH you located in Variables value section. After adding it, Close System Properties window.6Run Powershell and move to OpenSSH folder you located. Next, run a command '.install-sshd.ps1' to install sshd service like follows.If successfully message is shown, it's OK to install.7Next, Generate SSH host-key. Run a command '.ssh-keygen.exe -A' like follows.8It's OK to install sshd. Next, Open Services and start sshd. And also change to Automatic for Startup Type like follows.9If Windows Firewall is running, add 22/TCP port to allow SSH connection like follows.10For connecting from Windows Server to Linux Server, it's possible to do on Powershell or Command Prompt like follows.11For connecting from Linux Server to Windows Server, it's possible to do like follows.root@dlp #.

Windows Server 2012 R2 Sp2

Ssh Administrator@'s password:Microsoft Windows Version 6.3.9600(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Administrator@FD3S C:UsersAdministratordirVolume in drive C has no label.Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000Directory of C:UsersAdministrator 05:19 PM. 05:19 PM Contacts 05:33 PM Desktop 05:19 PM Documents 05:19 PM Downloads 05:19 PM Favorites 05:19 PM Links 05:19 PM Music 05:19 PM Pictures 05:19 PM Saved Games 05:19 PM Searches 05:19 PM Videos0 File(s) 0 bytes13 Dir(s) 75,735,973,888 bytes free.