Ireport Subversion Plugin For Mac

2020. 2. 10. 08:23카테고리 없음

Page: Jasper Plugin, Version:44. (Pending release as of 16-Aug-2008, so obtain from subversion trunk). (See subversion log.). Grails install-plugin jasper. Windows and Mac users can usually get away with putting the reports in the.

I need to use Subversion with Eclipse on Mac Lion. I encounter problem as below I saw: In my context:. I use Mac OS Lion 10.7.2. Eclipse version: 3.7.1 64 bit. I install Subversion: Universal Subversion 1.6.17 Binaries for Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) in the page:. I install Subclipse by the 'Install New Software.'

Feature of Eclipse with the update link: It install Subclipse 1.8.2, JavaHL and some other packages. When I go to menu Preferences/ Team / SVN, it produce error: 'Incompatible JavaHL library loaded. 1.7.x or later required.' . I find to install SVN Kit, so use it instead of JavaHL as the very first link refer , but I don't see it in Subclipse package.

I went to this topic because I was in need to make SVN 1.7 to work with subclipse. For those with the same problem, the easiest way to fix it is to install Subversion and JavaHL from MacPorts. The packages you need to install with macports are subversion and subversion-javahlbindings , they are both 1.7.1.

Svn For Mac Free

With these packages you can install the subclipse using the update site with version 1.8.x. (If you don't have macports installed follow.

I am sure it will be useful for other things too. You also need to install XCode from AppStore. In case anyone using homebrew wants SVN version 1.6 support (as I did due to interacting with some old servers), here is how I got it to work: Install SVN 1.6 via homebrew: brew tap homebrew/versions brew info homebrew/versions/subversion16 brew install homebrew/versions/subversion16 -java Ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH before /usr/bin, so that homebrew's SVN is ran instead of OS X's. If using Eclipse: Be sure to install Subclipse 1.6 (e.g. Use the 1.6 update site) instead of the newest one. If you follow the homebrew formula instructions to link the java library to OS X's Extensions, you do NOT have to edit your Eclipse.ini file to include the path there.


For posterity, those commands are: sudo mkdir -p /Library/Java/Extensions sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib /Library/Java/Extensions/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib HTH.